This page guides you through the API change in Fink.
2024-11-25: Cutout handling
When requesting arrays, you can now ask to download all 3 cutouts at once:
import requests
# get data for ZTF21aaxtctv
r = requests.post(
'objectId': 'ZTF21aaxtctv',
'kind': 'All',
'output-format': 'array'
data = r.json()
# dict_keys(['b:cutoutDifference_stampData', 'b:cutoutScience_stampData', 'b:cutoutTemplate_stampData'])
This is not available for FITS or PNG formats.
Return type for 2D array
We changed the return type from list to dictionary:
import requests
# get data for ZTF21aaxtctv
r = requests.post(
'objectId': 'ZTF21aaxtctv',
'kind': 'Science',
'output-format': 'array'
# before `data` was a list of dictionary -- now it is directly the dictionary
data = r.json()
# Before you had to specify the first element [0]
# array = data[0]["b:cutoutScience_stampData"]
# Now you access it directly from the key
array = data["b:cutoutScience_stampData"]